Hybrid Grid Master
JUNE 24, 2020

Summer of HER Update

We officially launched our Summer of HER program on June 1st! We are thrilled to have 129 fellows in our nine target states—Arizona, California, Colorado, Maine, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania—who will help drive the #Fight4HER campaign, gaining invaluable experience fighting for reproductive health and rights using grassroots organizing tactics. Fellows will spend the summer learning grassroots and electoral organizing skills with the goal of electing our endorsed pro family planning candidates in November.

Over 140 people joined our June National Volunteer Call. #Fight4HER activists heard firsthand from Maya Hart, the North Carolina Organizer for SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective. Later, Melvine Ouyo, #Fight4HER advocate, and Dickson Okong’o, Executive Director of Stretchers Youth Organization, discussed the devastating impacts that the Global Gag Rule is having in their communities in Kenya, and how COVID-19 exacerbates that impact.

2020 Candidate Endorsements

Population Connection Action Fund is proud to endorse candidates in key states and districts running for the House and Senate during this critical election season. Some of the most notable Senate challengers we're backing this year include:

  • Jaime Harrison, running to unseat Lindsey Graham in South Carolina;
  • Sara Gideon, running against Susan Collins in Maine; and
  • Theresa Greenfield, running for Joni Ernst's seat in Iowa.

These are just a few of the many candidates we're endorsing in competitive races around the country. Check out the current list of endorsed candidates and see if we're supporting someone in your state or district!

Partner Spotlight: Stretchers Youth Organization

We are proud to partner with Stretchers Youth Organization, a youth-led, community-based organization that focuses on empowering young people and women to become advocates and leaders in their communities. Their current program initiatives are centered around sexual and reproductive health education, human rights and good governance advocacy, and skills development and entrepreneurship. Stretchers' Executive Director, Dickson Okong'o, recently spoke to our #Fight4HER volunteers about the devastating impacts the Global Gag Rule is having on the communities the organization serves in Kenya.

Population Connection Action Fund, 2120 L St NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20037
Main: 202-3332-2200 | Fax: 202-332-2302 | Toll Free: 1-800-POP-1956

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