My name is Barbara Bollier, and I’m running for U.S. Senate in Kansas. I’m a physician, a wife, a mother, and a public servant. I’d like to take a few minutes to introduce myself and share a bit more about why I’m going to win this race. But before I do, I’m going to ask you to donate $5, $25, whatever you can spare, to help me turn this seat blue—and take back the Senate.
Let me start by saying: I used to be a Republican.
I’ve been in Kansas politics since 2010, serving first in the Kansas House of Representatives, then in the State Senate. As a doctor, I’ve always looked at what the facts tell me, and tried to find common sense solutions to our problems. I earned a reputation as a leader who could work with folks on both sides of the aisle to deliver results.
But I found that the Kansas Republican party was losing its way. In the State Senate, I was alienated for my support of reproductive rights, Medicaid expansion, and funding for K-12 schools. I was tired of the Kansas GOP’s hard-line rhetoric, its contempt for compromise, and its obsession with putting political power before children and families.
When the Kansas GOP adopted anti-trans language as part of its party platform in 2018, I’d had enough. I could no longer be complicit as the Republican party became the party of extremism. I left the GOP, and I haven’t looked back.
Republicans have held both Senate seats in my state since the Great Depression—but this year, we can change that. The latest polls have me leading my likely Republican opponent, Kris Kobach, by one point. And with the support of groups like EMILY’s List, End Citizens United and this Off the Sidelines community, we’ll have the resources to flip this seat—and with it, flip the Senate.
My campaign has our biggest fundraising deadline yet on June 30, and my team tells me we’re coming up short on our goal. Can I count on you to contribute $5, $25, $50, or whatever you can afford to help me WIN this race and flip the Senate?
I’m deeply grateful for your support,
