Friend –
On Saturday, our team celebrated the launch of Fair Fight 2020 right here in Georgia at Annistown Elementary School, a polling place last year in Gwinnett County.

On Election Day last year, voters faced up to five-hour waits to cast a ballot at Annistown, after a failure of then-candidate and then-Secretary of State Brian Kemp to provide enough resources and training to help polling locations across Georgia.
The Democratic Party of Georgia was the first state party in the country to hire a full-time, permanent voter director. And over the election cycle, their voter protection hotline handled more than 80,000 calls from voters to help them make sure their votes counted and to identify voting irregularities. We must help Georgia Democrats continue to build this capacity, while building voter protection teams in battleground states.

Across our country, we lack uniformity in how elections are administered, but in Georgia, because of a lack of leadership and resources, elections are conducted in 159 separate ways, despite the best efforts of local elections officials. It should not matter what county you live in; your vote should count the same.
But shoring up our electoral processes is no automatic endeavor. This work requires proactive voter protection programs that rely on the help of hundreds of volunteers in every battleground state.

Voter protection teams across the country rely on volunteers to monitor changes in voting at local election board meetings, build poll watcher programs, manage voter protection hotlines, and much more.
With your help, we can build a movement that protects the right to vote from efforts to discourage or disenfranchise voters—in voter registration, voting access, or counting of votes.
Help us get there, Team Fair Fight