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Editor's Note:

One would think the hourly images of personal loss and property destruction across the United States the past few weeks would have rallied conservative leaders to rise in opposition to the anarchy. One would be wrong, however, because there has been nothing but silence — or an occasional platitude. David Marcus calls for an acknowledgment of the societal threat and an end to the cowardice of our leaders. Let's hope it's not too late. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
June 24, 2020
Conservative Cowards Are To Blame For Falling Statues

There is no need to name names. The so-called conservatives who have been coddling mindless calls to destroy public art know who they are. So do the rest of us. These are the reasonable conservatives, the good ones, so ever careful not to be called racist. They had a compromise in mind because they always do. Throw the Confederate statues under the bus and we can save the rest. Well.

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