Dear John,
Imagine spending your whole life in a cage in someone’s backyard.
That’s the reality for many nonhuman primates across the United States. Nonhuman primates, such as monkeys and apes, are highly intelligent and sensitive animals. Yet many nonhuman primates are languishing in tiny cages in private homes due to inadequate laws. The Captive Primate Safety Act (H.R. 1776/S. 2562) would crack down on the private possession of these animals by prohibiting the interstate or foreign sale or transportation of nonhuman primates for the wild “pet” trade.
Help make this bill into law by asking your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor the Captive Primate Safety Act today.
Nonhuman primates have complex physical and psychological needs that cannot be met in private homes. They are social animals who require large natural landscapes and companionship from other nonhuman primates. The private possession of nonhuman primates isn’t just a cruelty issue — it also poses a serious safety risk for both the animal and humans. Over the last three decades, at least 300 people have been injured by nonhuman primates held in homes and facilities.
Please take a few minutes today and ask your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor the Captive Primate Safety Act. Thank you for speaking up for these animals.
For the animals,

Alicia Prygoski
Legislative Affairs Manager