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CHBA BC is one of 46 business organizations and associations that have jointly participated in the provincial Workers' Compensation Review. This group represents all parts of the provincial economy.
In the most recent review, employer engagement has been especially minimal and the scope of the review has expanded well beyond what we believe was originally intended. We have lost confidence that the review can be done in a manner considered fair to all parties. The Employer Community has decided not to participate further in this review.
Come mix and mingle with the CHBA BC executive committee, staff, and fellow members at Lulu Island Winery in September. Enjoy a wine tour, dinner and entertainment!
Earn up to 22.5 CPD points this October! Registration is open and we encourage you to register early to secure your preferred seminars. Learn more on the CHBA BC website.
Advocacy Update
CHBA BC will be submitting to the Clean BC Plastics Engagement in September. If you have feedback on this topic and policy suggestions, please email [email protected].
CHBA BC is looking for feedback on the speculation tax exemption on development lands, and specifically the section 44 requirements for vacant new inventory. As it stands, projects with less than 5 units do not qualify. We are looking for examples to help demonstrate that the threshold could be lowered. Do you have a single home, duplex, triplex or quadplex with vacant inventory that was assessed for the speculation tax this year? Please email your examples to [email protected]. |
The Golden Star
Ottawa is covering the majority of the costs for B.C. to repay $2.5 million to people who bought B.C. building codes since September 2018. Building, fire and plumbing codes for B.C. construction are now available online for free, after the federal government stopped charging provinces for the national code that forms the basis for provincial building standards.
Commentary: CHBA BC was pleased to be invited to this announcement at BCIT last week with Minister Melanie Mark and Minister Jinny Sims. This is welcome news, and mirrors the federal government announcement.
Register for all courses at
Marketing & Project Sales in Burnaby - October 4, 2019. Register by August 26.
BC Building Code Part 1 in Victoria - October 12, 2019. Register by August 31.
Construction Law in Kamloops - October 17, 2019. Register by September 5.
Marketing & Project Sales via Video Conference - October 18, 2019. Register by September 6. |
Journal of Commerce
The mortgage stress test and other government policies are hurting the homebuilding industry, a crucial part of the B.C. economy, residential construction experts say. According to Neil Moody, CEO of the Canadian Homebuilders’ Association of B.C., the latest data released by Statistics Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) show growth may be slowing.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8