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The headteachers of all 84 Catholic schools in Wales have written to the First Minister asking him to rethink his Government's proposed changes to religious education saying they "strike at the very identity of Catholic schools".
A vicar at St Martins-in-the-Field in Trafalgar Square has requested a meeting with the mayor of London and asked that those travelling to worship are given an exemption from the congestion charge.
Marriages in Scotland fell to the lowest number on record, with 26,007 in 2019 according to the National Records of Scotland. Just under half of all marriages were civil ceremonies, at 12,635.
Almost two-thirds of people in capital identify as religious compared with 53% in the rest of UK, according to new research by Christian thinktank Theos.
The National Secular Society's campaigning against blasphemy laws in the 1970s is referred to in this essay by gay rights activist and novelist Maureen Duffy.
My family has been discriminated against on religious grounds – and our four-year-old hasn't been admitted to any of the schools we chose. Our experience shows why schools should be secular, says Abhi from west London.
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