CND at Glastonbury

Almost 200,000 people should have been gathering at a farm in Somerset today for one of the world's best-known music festivals, Glastonbury Festival. But because of the coronavirus pandemic, the 50th celebration of this iconic event is on hold until 2021. 

CND has a long history with the festival and attends every year to campaign for a world without nuclear weapons.The relationship begins in 1981 when festival founder Michael Eavis got in touch to suggest that in return for CND promoting the festival, we would receive some of the proceeds and the event would be renamed the Glastonbury CND Festival. 

A wonderful partnership was born and continues to this day - even though the name was changed again - with so much support for our campaign evident in the fields. In fact, last year we signed up almost 3000 new members!

We've put together a mini online exhibition to share more about our history with the festival and let you know what we usually get up to when we're there.

CND at Glastonbury: view exhibition

It is a festival which proudly supports the vision of a greener, more sustainable and nuclear-free world. Attending is always a reminder that our campaign is part of a wider movement of organisations, charities, musicians and people who all want a better world. We can't wait to be back.

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