Did you see the Chairwoman’s note earlier today about being backstage with President Trump?
Did you see the Chairwoman’s note earlier today about being backstage with President Trump? With your help, we made a big dent in our goal and the President is leaving extremely happy knowing that our supporters will pull through for him.
The bad news is that we are still 75 donors short of our goal. We want to be able to have him land in D.C. and see that our number hit 0 in less than 12 hours! Will you help make this happen?
Thank you for your loyal support,
AZGOP Finance Team
---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Chairwoman Kelli Ward
Date: Tue, Jun. 23, 2020 at 3:30 PM
I’m backstage with President Trump right now at his rally in Phoenix, and he just told me that we are 682 donors short of reaching our goal this month. We want to show him that Arizona has his back before he leaves! We only have a few hours left to bring this number to 0, but I told him we have some of the best supporters in the country and that we would deliver.