Trump and his team held this rally in Arizona on the day it just recorded its most new COVID cases of any day ever.
DemocratsJoin us.

Trump just walked offstage at his Students for Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona, John. Before he leaves town tonight, I am asking you to rush an emergency $7 contribution to the One-Term President Fund to be part of a huge wave of support for Joe Biden and Democrats nationwide.

Trump and his team held this rally in Arizona on the day the state just recorded its most new COVID-19 cases of any day ever. He's endangering public health in the middle of a pandemic -- all in the name of spouting his usual divisive, hateful rhetoric.

November 3 is our last chance to reject Trump and the Republican agenda across this country -- but that can't happen if we don't do the early work it will take to build the strongest DNC in modern history. Waiting until September or October to scale up key priorities like battleground organizing and digital ads could prove detrimental to Joe Biden and Democrats' chances of winning. So, if you can, I'm asking for you to make an important early commitment today:

Before Trump leaves his rally in Phoenix, will you rush a $7 donation to the DNC's One-Term President Fund, to defeat Donald Trump and the GOP? I understand that not everyone can afford to donate right now, but if you can, a contribution today will make an even greater impact than the same amount donated right before Election Day.

Tonight's rally comes on the heels of his disastrous rally in Tulsa, where he admitted to telling his team to "slow the testing down," in order to decrease the number of reported cases. His cruelty and incompetence are beyond comprehension, John, and we must replace him once and for all by electing Joe Biden and Democrats this November.

We can't afford four more years of his nonstop corruption and chaos at the expense of working families. There is no better time than right now to make your first contribution to the One-Term President Fund, so I'll ask again:

Will you chip in $7, or whatever you can spare tonight, to the One-Term President Fund to defeat Trump and his allies? Tonight's rally was further proof that America urgently needs new leadership, which is why we must come together to elect Joe Biden and Democrats across the country.

In unity,


Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee

P.S. Trump and Republicans have created a vacuum of leadership in this country that’s hurting American workers and families everywhere. If you can, chip in $7 before Trump leaves Phoenix to send a message that Democrats are ready to rise to the moment and beat them in November.

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Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.