Hi Friend,

On this day in 1972, Congress passed Title IX to expand opportunities for women and girls in education. Since then, America has witnessed an explosion of women’s high school and college sports. 

The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Bostock v. Clayton County, threatens that progress, and puts women’s sports in jeopardy.

When applied to Title IX, Bostock will REQUIRE (not just allow) schools to let male athletes play on women’s teams and compete against female athletes.
For team sports, the result will be fewer roster spots for women and girls. And, in head-to-head competitions, the result will be fewer titles and championships for female athletes.  

IT’S NOT FAIR. And it defeats the purpose of Title IX. 

As tennis legend Martina Navratilova has noted: “[s]port is an unusual if not unique institution. It is a public space where the relevance of sex is undeniable, and where pretending that it is irrelevant… will cause the very harm Title IX was enacted to address… Claims to the contrary are simply a denial of science.”

Friend, please help us save women’s sports from the unintended consequences of the Bostock decision. Sign our petition.


Jennifer C. Braceras
Independent Women’s Law Center