Friend --

I'm reaching today because we’re exactly one week away from our first -- and possibly most important -- FEC deadline of our General Election campaign.

As it stands, we’re pacing behind our fundraising goal and need grassroots support to pick up the speed.

Can you chip in a contribution of $3 to get us back on track before our June 30 deadline?

I have to admit, asking people to contribute to my campaign hasn't been at the top of my list lately. I've been so focused on city work -- whether it’s our continued efforts to address the health and economic impact of COVID-19, or implementing new policies like an independent commission to ensure oversight over our police force.

But missing this goal could potentially be devastating for our campaign.

As you probably know, I was outspent 4:1 by my self-funding opponent and the super PAC aligned with her campaign. Another nameless super PAC spent hundreds of thousands on illegal and unmarked mailers promoting a Republican candidate in my race to manipulate the vote count and box me out of the General Election.

Despite all that, we made it through anyway, friend. And that's because supporters like you stood with us. Right now, I need you to stand with me once again before this deadline hits:

Will you make a $3 contribution to my campaign for Congress? Help me send a message that we're ready to overcome the odds and advance real progressive change in CA-53.
If you've save your information with ActBlue Express, your contribution will be processed immediately.

Thank you -- from the bottom of my heart,

Georgette Gómez