Hi there,

This November will be a historic election — and one of the important national races is happening right here in New Mexico.

For the last eleven years, my friend Ben Ray Luján has served New Mexico with conviction in the House of Representatives. We’ve worked together closely to protect affordable health care, defend civil rights, and stop the Trump administration’s assault on our public lands.

Now, Ben Ray is running to be New Mexico’s next senator. His race is important to our state and to flipping the Senate this November — so I’m asking you to join me in helping him get 1,310 gifts before his next FEC deadline on June 30.

President Trump’s disastrous leadership has brought us closer than ever to winning back a Democratic Senate and White House.

But as his poll numbers drop in other states, President Trump has narrowed in on New Mexico as a state that could potentially flip red this election. His campaign has already hired dozens of staff — and they’re planning to open campaign offices across the state.

We can’t afford to let President Trump gain any ground here. We need a strong, people-driven movement to elect Ben Ray, flip the Senate, and get our government back on track. Friend, will you pitch in before Ben Ray’s next FEC deadline on June 30 to help him win his race and keep New Mexico blue?

We’re fighting big national fights this year — to win back the Senate, hold the House, and elect a President who will lead with compassion and character.

Ben Ray is the kind of leader we need in the Senate at this moment, and I’d be proud to have him as a partner as we help to move our country forward.

Please, give what you can to his campaign — and let’s win a historic majority together.







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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125