The Young Democrats of Georgia have been BUSY. We have petitions for you to sign, candidates for you to support, events for you to attend, and legislators for you to lobby. Please read on to see how you can help us change Georgia for the better.

Learning the Legislation

Join us tonight at 7PM to learn the legislation -- HB 636, a bill that requires Law Enforcement Officers to record every bit of force used. Joining us will be Representatives Renitta Shannon, Erica Thomas, Park Cannon, and Sandra Scott! This will be broadcasted on Facebook Live and on Zoom! 

We need your voices and your support! If you can't join us, call your representative and tell them to vote YES on HB 636.

Vote Yes on HB 426

After Georgia Republicans added an amendment to the Hate Crimes Bill that added protections to Law Enforcement Officers -- making the Hate Crimes Bill ineffective. After your calls, your activism and your support, the poison amendment was removed! 

But the battle isn't over. We need you to call your representative and senator to vote YES on the HB 426 to make sure that Georgia penalizes hate crime. 

Jaylan Scott Takes On Grady

Last year, with Jaylan's leadership, the Young Democrats of Georgia signed an open letter to Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms to remove the Henry W. Grady monument on the corner of Marietta and Forsyth streets in Downtown Atlanta. Our calls were ignored. This year, we renew this call with a petition of our own. If you support Jaylan and Black lives across this state, please sign our petition to remove the racist monument. 
Add Your Name

Vote NO on HB 758

HB 758 allows trucking companies to install monitoring devices in trucks AND protects companies from allegations of misclassification.

When determining whether a truck driver is an employee or an independent contractor often depends on the degree of control, the company has over the worker. If HB 758 passes, companies can install the devices, while avoiding liabilities and regulations, but prevents workers from using the devices in any cases challenging a drivers misclassification.

Call your State Senators and tell them to vote NO on HB 758.

ACTION: Stop the Corporate Immunity Bill!

 Corporations are asking state lawmakers for a green light to open without implementing basic safety measures. This legislation would let employers have it both ways, allowing watered down safety guidelines to be the measure for getting out of jail free.

HB 167 will create further disincentives for even law-abiding employers to protect their workers—producing a race-to-the-bottom for workplace standards—and cause a health and safety disaster, with new hot spots across sectors and spread across communities.

We need to protect workers and prevent or mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace –rather than give employers immunity for getting workers sick, or for other violations of workers’ core rights on the job.


In a last-minute move, Georgia State Senators are attempting to establish a “hate crime” law for offenses against cops and other first responders. Read that again. If, say, during a critical protest you throw your arms up to shield your eyes from tear gas and happen to hit and harm a cop in the process, that would be - you guessed it - potentially chargeable as a hate crime. Against a cop. 

The bill the Republicans are using to push this mess into law is called HB838. In HB838 they use the language “hate crime against a first responders,” but we know who they’re talking about when they say “first responders.” They mean cops.

What we desperately need is more accountability for law enforcement, not special protections for them. Call, tweet, share and sign the petition here:

TODAY: Georgia Justice Reform Partnership Webinar!

Today! Please join the Georgia Justice Reform Partnership this afternoon at 4:00 PM for our second weekly update on the 2020 Legislative Session. We will discuss the legislative calendar, the budget, and updates on important pieces of criminal justice related legislation like SB 288, which expands record expungement, and HB 426, the hate crimes bill.

You can register in advance for this webinar here:…/register/WN_XwuHAjCXQRapPgan3n_ryg
or join us on the Georgia Justice Reform Partnership's Facebook page at 4:00 PM today.

Swing Left College Fellowship Program

The Swing Left College Fellowship program is focusing on 6 Super States this fall, and Georgia's one of them. They're looking for experienced student organizers to join the paid Fellowship. This is a 3-month long, action-oriented, remote organizing program that gives students the skills and tools they need to effectively organize their peers. Learn more: and apply between now and July 10.

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