A Special Message from Prospect Editor At Large Harold Meyerson

Today, instead of writing On TAP, I’m writing about TAP – that is, The American Prospect – and how you can help us do what we do.

And we’ve been doing a lot lately. We’ve upped the frequency of our print issues from four to six times a year. We’re posting up to half-a-dozen new pieces on our website every weekday. We (well, mainly David Dayen) turn out “Unsanitized,” our daily look at the otherwise uncovered stories about the pandemic, its economic consequences; and the successes, failures and alternatives to the policies employed to get us through these times.

We’ve written widely and deeply about the systemic failures of policing and the structural underpinnings of white racism, with pieces from our deputy editor Gabrielle Gurley on anti-Trump but also cool-to-movement-activist Black mayors like DC’s Miriam Bowser; from Mehrsa Baradaran on the obstacles to African American home ownership and wealth accumulation, from Randy Kennedy on the persistence of racism and whether the recent BLM upsurge signals real change, as well as my own assessment of police unions.

Founding editors Bob Kuttner and Paul Starr regularly provide us – and you – with deep dives into the battles to shape the Democrats’ economic policies (that’s Bob) and the gaping shortcomings of Trump-era policy to offer even the most basic protections to the American people (that’s Paul).

Our Writing Fellows (Marcia Brown and Brittany Gibson) provide regular coverage of immigrants and the incarcerated in the age of Trump (that’s Marcia) and the obstacles to voting that the Republicans have erected and that the pandemic has exacerbated (that’s Brittany).

Staff writer Alex Sammon continues to cover the efforts – still playing out in state primaries – to elect progressive Democrats. And managing editor Jonathan Guyer will be reporting on Joe Biden’s foreign policy circle and where they’re headed in our forthcoming July-August print issue.

None of these efforts – past, present or future – would be possible without your financial support. So today, I’m asking you to give generously to support those efforts. The stories and ideas we run in our pages and online have shaped, and will continue to shape, the future course of American progressive thought and action. We need you to be part of that process by helping us make all this possible.

Many thanks,
Harold Meyerson

The American Prospect

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