The Department of Natural Resources has the power to stop the Twin Metals mine near the Boundary Waters.
As detailed in another strong editorial by the Star Tribune [1], Minnesota's largest newspaper, the Department of Natural Resources decided to let Twin Metals have access to state lands in preparation for the company's planned sulfide-ore copper mine right on the edge of the Boundary Waters Wilderness.
This is a step in the wrong direction - Twin Metals' proposed copper mine poses an unacceptable threat to the clean water and forests of the Boundary Waters. Send your message today to the Department of Natural Resources.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources shouldn't be acting prematurely - the Trump Administration still refuses to release key information about the potential impact on the Boundary Waters. The state agency should stop the permitting process immediately and instead use its leverage to demand the release of critical information the Trump Administration is keeping secret.
As the Star Tribune editorial put it: "The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has fumbled away an opportunity to free up the sweeping study kept secret by the Trump administration of copper mining's risks to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness watershed... At issue is a June 9 decision by the DNR to authorize temporary access to 680 acres of state land to Twin Metals Minnesota.” [1]
The federal government is hiding critical information that shows sulfide-ore copper mining is fundamentally unacceptable near the Boundary Waters - tell the Department of Natural Resources to stop the Twin Metals mine project right now.
Thank you for taking action.
For the Boundary Waters,
Tom Landwehr
Executive Director
Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters
P.S. Send your message to the DNR today telling them to stop further work towards allowing the Twin Metals mine on the edge of the Boundary Waters.
[1] "DNR sends 'totally wrong signal' on access to secret copper mining study:" Star Tribune, June 21st, 2020.
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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States