Add your name and call on Congress to act to end the devastating trade war.                                                                  

Jack xxxxxx, we already know who's losing Trump's never-ending trade war with China: our farmers.

The head of the American Farm Bureau called it a "body blow" to thousands of farmers, who are innocent bystanders.

It's time for Congress to take action and STOP Trump's reckless trade war. Add your name now and help us bring in 1,500 petition signatures today.

Tell Congress: End Trump's Trade War

Trump has claimed, "Trade wars are good, and easy to win."

But there's nothing good about the suffering of thousands of family farmers in Texas -- or the impact on our economy. Texas is one of the largest exporters in the nation, and China is our third-largest trading partner. And now China has halted all purchases of U.S. farm products because of Trump's actions.

It's time for our lawmakers to step in. Join Kim and call on Congress to act to end Trump's trade war and stop punishing Texas farmers!

Fighting with you,

Team Olson


Kim Olson is a farmer, combat veteran, and champion for education. After 25 years in the Air Force, Kim served three years in the Texas State Guard and started a non-profit to help women veterans. Now, she's taking on our broken Congress and running to represent TX-24. Chip in and help Kim fly through to victory.

Kim for Congress
P.O. Box 4
Addison, TX 75001
United States