One year later, the harms of Europe’s data-privacy law. Evidence from British Columbia provides a strong case for harm reduction strategies.
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July 9, 2019
Opioids ([link removed] )
New Evidence From British Columbia Provides a Strong Case for Harm Reduction Strategies ([link removed] )
Imagine how much worse Vancouver’s opioid overdose death rate would be were it not for harm reduction.
- “New Evidence From British Columbia Provides a Strong Case for Harm Reduction Strategies ([link removed] ) ,” by Jeffrey A. Singer
GDPR ([link removed] )
One Year Later, The Harms of Europe’s Data-Privacy Law ([link removed] )
A survey of the damage done one year after the European Union adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a sweeping data-privacy law.
- “One Year Later, The Harms of Europe’s Data-Privacy Law ([link removed] ) ,” by Walter Olson
Neal McCluskey on the Cato Daily Podcast ([link removed] )
Will 2020 Yield A Real Conversation about Educational Freedom? ([link removed] )
A Supreme Court challenge implicating state-level Blaine Amendments and Democrats’ revival of school busing as an issue could force a real conversation about educational freedom. Neal McCluskey comments.
- Podcast: “Will 2020 Yield A Real Conversation about Educational Freedom? ([link removed] ) ,” featuring Neal McCluskey and Caleb O. Brown
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