From DEVELOPING EVENT [via] <[email protected]>
Subject they're here today
Date June 23, 2020 4:48 PM
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Last week, we told you about Vice President Mike Pence coming to
our state tomorrow to distract voters from Trump's failures.

Now, after his disastrous Tulsa rally, Donald Trump is coming to
Wisconsin too. So we need to send the clear message that
Wisconsinites will not be distracted by their dangerous tactics.

Chip in $10 now to help us raise $15,1O8 in the next 48
hours so we can invest in our organizers who will send Trump &
Pence packing for good.
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Hey there,

Now, not only do we have Mike Pence to contend with this week,
but his boss is coming to Wisconsin now too to visit Fincantieri
Marinette Marine shipyard.

We all saw the disaster that was Oklahoma: Trump staffers
spreading the virus around Tulsa, Trump confessing to trying to
slow down coronavirus testing, and the sea of empty seats
throughout the arena.

Wisconsinites are too smart to fall for such distractions. We
need to tell Pence and Trump it's time to pack it up. That's why
we're aiming to raise an ambitious $15,1O8 in the next 48 hours
to send the message to them: go home!
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To be clear: Trump and Pence are coming to our state so much
because Wisconsin is the most important state of the 2O2O
election - and they only won it by a few thousand votes in 2O16.

But they have a lot to answer to, from Wisconsin farmers that
Trump sold out with his hasty "trade war" to the workers still
struggling from his botched pandemic response and the voters his
party forced to go to the polls during a major pandemic.

Send Trump and Pence home for good by chipping in now →
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Thank you,

WisDemsPaid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair

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