Impeach Supreme Court Justices Who Ratified DACA!; John Derbyshire: Look On The Bright Side—BLM "Revolution" May Eat Its Parents Too, Starting With Mark Zuckerberg; etc. (75 items, 06/23/2020)


Our top-five traffic begins this week with bad news BREAKING: Network Solutions Driving VDARE.com to the Dark Web?


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In second, Paul Kersey reports ORLANDO SENTINEL Stops Publishing Mugshots Because Too Many Of Them Are Black. Inconvenient for The Narrative? Censor it!


In third, Nicholas Stix asks: What Lunatic Is Running This Floyd Hoax Madhouse? My Bet: The DNC. Have you also been baffled by well-meaning relatives who think the riots are a “’white supremacist’ false flag operation?” Read on!


Next in fourth, Lance Welton again offers scientific proof for something we all suspected: It's Official: Left Doesn't Really Believe Races Equal.


Lastly, in fifth, Charlottesville Survivor says, “I Told You So!” Antifa's Cultural Revolution Enabled By Conservatism Inc.'s Stupidity, Cowardice After Charlottesville.

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