The hypocrisy coming out of Big ‘Pro-Life’ could not be more brazen. We released our latest video which included Kristan Hawkins, president of anti-abortion Students for Life, and her callous response when questioned about anti-abortion laws that forced a heart transplant patient to take an ambulance ride across state lines for medical care.
Reproaction partnered with the Missouri HIV Justice Coalition for a webinar entitled, Examining Black Women’s Health at the Intersection of HIV, IPV, and the Criminal Legal System. Panelists included HIV educators and advocates who spoke about the impact of HIV and HIV-stigma on Black women’s health and well-being.
Erin graduated from the Rockwood Leadership Institute fellowship for reproductive health, rights, and justice with an amazing cohort of leaders across the sector:

Did you miss our latest webinars? No worries – we’ve got you covered. Listen to a recording of Transgender Advocacy in Missouri here and Still Pregnant After Self-Managed Abortion: Know the Signs and What To Do here.
On Our Blog
Nataley called out the Los Angeles Times after it published a ‘well-intentioned’ opinion piece on the Chelsea Becker case that actually reinforced harmful stereotypes about drug use and pregnancy.
Jessica exposed the irony of pro-lifers claiming their annual March for Life this year was “pro-woman.”
Reproaction in the News
Pamela was a signatory to the open letter from Black reproductive justice advocates, leaders, and organizations published in Essence Magazine calling for defunding police in the wake of violent police responses to protests.
Get Involved
Save the date for our next Act and Learn webinar, From COVID-19 Shutdowns to Iniquities That Have Always Been There: Access to Childcare Is a Reproductive Justice Issue, taking place at 3 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 30.
Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the most up-to-date information on what we’re up to and how you can get involved.
Erin, Pamela, Caitlin, Elizabeth, Evonnia, Jessica, Kara, Nataley, Shireen, Angie, and the Reproaction team
P.S. Like bold, cutting-edge work to increase access to abortion everywhere? So do we. Donate today.