
Today is Election Day for several of our endorsed candidates running in primaries across the country. We’ve chosen these experienced and proven public servants because they can deliver the much-needed leadership we need to move our country forward during this difficult time.

Josh Hicks is running in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. Josh grew up on a farm in rural Kentucky and enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps before finishing college, deploying twice and rising to the rank of Sergeant. Josh is running for Congress to give a voice to regular folks, to make sure that people can afford to put food on the table while tackling corruption in Washington and fighting the opioid crisis at home in Kentucky.

Amy McGrath is running for Senate in Kentucky. Amy attended the U.S. Naval Academy to pursue her dream of becoming a fighter pilot and was commissioned as a Marine Corps officer in 1997. She completed three combat deployments, and flew combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, targeting al-Qaida and the Taliban. Amy has always been someone who steps up when needed, and right now the country needs her fearless leadership in the Senate. She will fight for health care, work to secure a strong economic future, and take on national security and foreign policy challenges with the expertise of someone who spent a lifetime in uniform.

Jackie Gordon is running in New York’s 2nd Congressional District. Jackie is a combat veteran, educator, public servant, and community leader. While in college and teaching in local schools, she enlisted in the United States Army Reserve. After 29 years of service, she retired from the Reserves with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 2014. Jackie has also spent three decades working in New York public schools, and since 2007, she has served on the Babylon Town Council, where she has worked to direct resources to veterans and military families and helped raise nearly $1 million for the Wounded Warriors Project.

Evelyn Farkas is running in New York’s 17th Congressional District. The daughter of refugees from Hungary and a Westchester native, Evelyn has devoted her life to serving her country and fighting for economic and political freedom. She was a high-ranking Department of Defense official appointed by President Obama, and is the only candidate in her race to have stood up to attacks from far-right Trump allies like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. Evelyn is running for Congress to bring her experience, including drafting federal legislation and managing crises from the White House Situation Room, to bear on our nation’s greatest challenges.

Francis Conole is running in New York’s 24th Congressional District. Francis graduated from the Naval Academy three months before 9/11 and shortly after reported to the U.S.S. WASP where, at just 23 years old, he led a division of almost 40 sailors. In 2010, Francis was deployed with Army Special Forces into a combat zone in Iraq where he worked alongside Iraqi Forces and planned the safe withdrawal of American combat teams. Francis continued his service at the Pentagon as a policy advisor to Defense Secretaries Ash Carter and Jim Mattis. Now, he’s running for Congress because it’s time for new leadership and fresh ideas that put the people first and rebuild the middle class.

If you’re able, please consider rushing a last-minute contribution to Serve America so that we can support these incredible candidates today and every day between now and November!

Thank you for staying engaged and putting in the work we need to win in November.

-Serve America