From Team NewDems <[email protected]>
Subject Jackie's primary is TONIGHT
Date June 23, 2020 1:00 PM
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Here's the story in NewYork's 2nd Congressional District: It's a Long Island-based seat that Republicans held for decades under Rep. Peter King. His decision to retire this year puts the seat in play for the first time in a long time, and we have an extraordinary candidate running.

Born in Jamaica and raised in Queens, Jackie went on to serve nearly 30 years in the U.S. Army Reserve (and as a local elected official!)

The deadline to contribute before her primary election is TONIGHT! Chip in now and help her make a strong showing [[link removed]] .

Get this: Jackie has outraised all her Republican opponents COMBINED. But once the primary ends, national Republicans are going to turn up the heat.

Our goal is to make sure Jackie has the resources to defend herself in November. That starts now. Kick in now, before her primary election tonight, and 100 percent of your contribution will go to support Jackie Gordon [[link removed]] .

It's been almost thirty years, team, but this year Jackie is bringing home a win in NY-02.

- Team NewDems

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