June 23, 2020
Latest columns

June 23, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

June 23, 2020
PETER LEMISKA ? It may be interesting to hear rational Democrats try to explain away the insane demands of their radical counterparts, but we really don't need clarification. When those radicals call for defunding and abolishing the police, they mean exactly what they say. They showed it in Minneapolis, where the city council recently announced plans to defund and dismantle the police department.... (more)

June 21, 2020
LLOYD MARCUS ? Outrageously, cowardly and traitorous politicians are allowing Black Lives Matter, a racist hate group, to engage in an "Everything Must Go" fire-sale against America. BLM is literally pulling down monuments and demanding that large portions of our history be removed from the records. They are burning down homes which dare fly the U.S. flag.... (more)

June 21, 2020
FOX NEWS ? President Trump roared back onto the campaign trail Saturday night with a rally before thousands of supporters in Tulsa, Okla., using the fiery and freewheeling appearance to mock Democratic foe Joe Biden, criticize those tearing down monuments to controversial historical figures and decry what he described as the "disaster" demonstration in Seattle.... (more)

June 21, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The son of Muhammad Ali said his father would not agree with Black Lives Matter, referring to the cause as "racist" and its members as "devils," according to the New York Post. Speaking on the fourth anniversary of the iconic boxer's death, Muhammad Ali Jr. talked about how the protests devolved into looting and violence in response to the death of George Floyd.... (more)

June 21, 2020
THE GATEWAY PUNDIT ? We already knew Black Lives Matter are radical neo-Marxists and the co-founder confirmed it during an interview this week. Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter proudly admitted she's a radical, anti-white Marxist.... (more)

June 21, 2020
'Turning point' in Trump relationship actually shows 'principled' president
WORLDNETDAILY ? The incident John Bolton describes as the "turning point" in his relationship with President Trump undercuts the premise of the former national security adviser's blockbuster book, contends a former national security council chief of staff.... (more)

June 20, 2020
'This is a childhood development disorder' violated guidelines
WORLDNETDAILY ? YouTube has censored a three-hour video of a seminar posted by The Heritage Foundation because of six words from a former transgender, Walt Heyer. Heyer said of transgenderism, "This is a childhood development disorder." The consequences of those words were reported in a Daily Signal commentary by Rob Bluey.... (more)

June 20, 2020
Berkeley law prof John Yoo changes tune
WORLDNETDAILY ? Berkeley long has been considered, with reason, a hotbed of liberalism. Even those on the conservative side of the campus spectrum have been acutely aware of the arguments from the other side. Like celebrated conservative legal expert John Yoo. In 2016, for example, he considered Donald Trump a step too far.... (more)

June 20, 2020
YOUTUBE ? White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany responds to issues about President Trump's Saturday rally in Tusla, the Supreme Court's DACA ruling, CNN's distortions and double standard, and other concerns.... (more)

June 20, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Twitter flagged satirical tourism ad for CHOP from 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.... (more)

June 20, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Sen. Ted Cruz and Fox News' Laura Ingraham discuss Chief Justice John Roberts' duplicitous behavior on the Supreme Court.... (more)

June 19, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Martha MacCallum challenges Rep. Denny Heck, R-WA, over the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone accusing him of 'minimizing the issue'.... (more)

June 18, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Much of the mayhem we see today is linked to fatherlessness. Around this time we celebrate Father's Day. But fathers in our culture have not recently appeared very important--at least according to Hollywood and other culture-shapers.... (more)

June 18, 2020
SYLVIA THOMPSON ? I was born at the end of World War II, into the Boomer generation. At that time, there was systemic racism throughout the United States, not just in the South, as some in other parts of the country would have you believe. The country functioned under laws that divided blacks from all other ethnic groups (even other minorities; Mexicans and Asians were part of white America). My parents' generation and those who came before them experienced even more injustice than did my generation.... (more)

June 18, 2020
THE EPOCH TIMES ? Facebook on June 18 removed content posted by President Donald Trump's campaign, alleging the posts violated hate speech policies. The campaign ran advertisements encouraging people to sign a petition opposing the anarcho-communist group Antifa. The posts included an inverted red triangle that a Trump campaign official said is used by members of Antifa; some critics countered that the symbol was used by the Nazis.... (more)

June 18, 2020
THE FEDERALIST ? Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) criticized Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Wednesday after the court ruled President Trump could not remove the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program created by an executive action by former President Obama.... (more)

June 18, 2020
YAHOO NEWS ? Justice Neil M. Gorsuch was President Trump's first choice for the Supreme Court and a conservative's dream -- until he wrote this week's landmark opinion extending civil rights protections to LGBTQ employees nationwide. The ruling sent a shudder through the ranks of conservative activists and columnists, some of whom saw signs of another betrayal by a Republican-appointed justice who ended up siding at times with liberals on key issues.... (more)

June 18, 2020
Hanne Nabintu Herland says BLM is 'being used by billionaire white capitalists'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The murder of George Floyd raised legitimate anger over police violence, but sadly has been heavily abused by infiltrating political and anarchist groups. As they intermingle with those rightfully protesting against racism, looting and civil unrest will be blamed on blacks. The riots may end up creating more division and segregation between races than ever before.... (more)

June 18, 2020
NATIONAL REVIEW ? While unveiling the Republican police reform bill on Wednesday, Senator Tim Scott said that the U.S. is "not a racist country" and criticized Democrats for what he saw as their relentless focus on race, advocating a discrete approach to policy solutions designed to address police brutality. Scott, the Senate's only black Republican, remarked in a press conference held to unveil the legislation that "some people enjoy talking about systemic racism" and "want to define everything from a racist perspective."... (more)

June 18, 2020
YOUTUBE ? President Donald Trump discusses police reform, the coronavirus pandemic, and his re-election campaign with Sean Hannity.... (more)

June 17, 2020
BITCHUTE ? Among Tucker's topics: Atlanta officer is charged with murder in rush to judgment; the DA, under fire for corruption, exaggerates basic facts of the complaint; innocent people die when police protection is politicized; etc.... (more)

June 17, 2020
Walter Williams talks with Ben Shapiro
DAILY WIRE ? On Tuesday, famed economist Walter Williams, speaking with Daily Wire Editor-In-Chief Ben Shapiro, slammed the idea that there is "systemic racism" in the United States, asserting, "The civil rights struggle is over, and it's won." Commenting on the charge that the police are "systemically racist," Williams stated that in Chicago, "There's a person shot every three hours and a person killed every 14 hours, and so far this year there have been about 280 people shot and killed, and most of them are black and by blacks.... (more)

June 17, 2020
NDTV ? A 46-year-old Indian-American software engineer turned socialist is at the forefront of "Black Lives Matter" protests in Seattle to permanently oust city police officials from the downtown area that has now been designated the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (CHAZ), according to media reports.... (more)

June 17, 2020
ALEXANDRA PHILLIPS ? The rapid spread of protests across the West under the Black Lives Matter banner has left a political breathlessness from Baltimore to Berlin. Those in positions of authority are scrambling to show they are addressing endemic racism, and in the commercial sphere, not ending up on the wrong side of the debate and risking Twitter storms and boycotts. In a world where nothing is exempt from moral judgment, being on trend means signing up to radical political movements.... (more)

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