Polls are open from 6 am to 9 pm today.

Dear John,

Today is Primary Election Day in NYC. 

If you already voted early or sent in your absentee ballot, thank you! If you haven’t yet and are able, today is the day to vote. 

Polls are open from 6 am to 9 pm today. Find your poll site here. Social distancing will be observed, lines should be relatively short, and there is plenty of hand sanitizer around. If you are comfortable going to a poll site, going to vote in person today is the best option. 

If you want to vote by absentee ballot, it must be postmarked by today to count OR be dropped off at a Board of Elections office

Primary night will be different this year because the results of most close elections will not be known right away. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many more voters are voting by mail absentee than ever before. These ballots will not even begin to be counted until 8 days after the election. Tonight’s results will tell us who won the early and election day in person votes, but for close elections, we may have to wait until next week to get the full results. 

Thanks for all the ways you are showing up to make our community and our democracy stronger. 


Lander for NYC
456 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
[email protected]


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