In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
The Charity Commission has issued an official warning to an Islamic charity after it praised a deceased Iranian military leader who had been subject to anti-terror sanctions.
A Catholic school in Leicester has drawn criticism from parents after it emerged that a class of 13-year-old children were told to plan their own funeral as homework.
"Today our own nation is reeling from yet another savage consequence of our own 'blowback', after three people were randomly and fatally stabbed and three others wounded, as they sat enjoying a warm evening in a local park."
The court is set to vote on a constitutional challenge to a highly controversial Louisiana law allowing the regulation of abortion providers to come into effect, which could set a new precedent for the protection of abortion rights in the US.
'Buried towards the end of a 33-page majority opinion written by conservative stalwart Justice Neil Gorsuch is a sober warning that those celebrating the decision might have initially missed.'
"Albanian society should ensure the welfare and protection of our children. We must prevent everything done to them that we, or more importantly they, will regret in the future."
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