
I just wanted to make sure that you saw the email below that our team sent out on Monday afternoon - we need your help to decide which design to get printed on the new HOPE not hate tote bags.

We're keeping this poll open until the end of the week, so please make sure that you vote before the deadline!

Just click here to cast your vote.

Matthew McGregor
Campaigns Director, HOPE not hate

From: HOPE not hate
Date: Monday, 19 August 2019 at 15:20
To: John ( [email protected] )
Subject: John, here's something totally awesome

There is not a lot in this world that people agree on - the existence of our organisation is proof of that - but we can probably all agree that one of life's simple pleasures is picking out a great tote bag in the morning.

Well, we need your help to pick out a tote bag for us.

Voting is open now.

Click here to let us know which of these three designs you think we should order, and whichever one gets the most votes will be available to buy on our website.

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