In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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An Australian appeals court has upheld the conviction of Cardinal George Pell, who was found guilty earlier this year of molesting two 13-year-old choir boys
in the 1990s. And yet Pell still retains his title in the Catholic Church.
US president Donald Trump has criticised Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats, saying "it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty",
sparking criticism.
Subsidised family planning is at risk in the US after the group Planned Parenthood withdrew from a programme which distributes grants to clinics. The
withdrawal came after a new Trump administration rule banned clinics from referring patients for abortions.
The organisation that oversees the Jehovah's Witnesses is currently embroiled in a major legal battle in the US that involves child molestation, religious
secrecy, and (possibly) the Supreme Court.
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