In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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Over 50 MPs have written to the education secretary, urging the government to give stronger backing to schools on teaching about same-sex relationships.
Foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt and his rival for the Conservative party leadership Boris Johnson have signalled their support for a report calling for the UK
to adopt a definition of anti-Christian discrimination.
The Muslim Council of Britain has claimed there is "a serious problem" with the way the UK media reports on Islam and Muslims as it prepares to launch a
report in parliament.
Divinity students at a private Christian institution receive one third more government money than attendees of state-funded colleges, the Scottish government
has revealed. The NSS has described this as poor value for money for the taxpayer.
A charity has been given an official warning by regulators over its financial management including diverting cash to help pay for the building of a new £1.3m
The supermarket chain Asda has sacked a man for sharing a sketch of the comedian Billy Connolly mocking religions including Christianity and Islam on social
Ryan Jayne says the current US administration pandering to an ultraconservative evangelical political agenda and it should learn from the more secular
approach of the Canadian government.
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