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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 9 July


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Secularism in the media


LGBT-inclusive teaching row: MPs call for more support for schools

Over 50 MPs have written to the education secretary, urging the government to give stronger backing to schools on teaching about same-sex relationships.



Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson back report into protection of Christians

Foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt and his rival for the Conservative party leadership Boris Johnson have signalled their support for a report calling for the UK to adopt a definition of anti-Christian discrimination.



Muslim Council of Britain calls for ‘fairer’ media coverage of Muslims and Islam at event in parliament

The Muslim Council of Britain has claimed there is "a serious problem" with the way the UK media reports on Islam and Muslims as it prepares to launch a report in parliament.



Students at Christian college get more funds than state equivalents – NSS quoted

Divinity students at a private Christian institution receive one third more government money than attendees of state-funded colleges, the Scottish government has revealed. The NSS has described this as poor value for money for the taxpayer.

The Times (£)


‘“Americanised” anti-abortion protests are on the rise in the UK. But a fight back has begun’

Amy Woodyatt looks at the rise of anti-abortion protests in the UK, and the 'Sister Supporter' movement which has formed to resist them.



Vatican waives immunity for France envoy accused of sexual assault

The Vatican has reportedly waived immunity for its envoy to France, who is under investigation for sexual assault.



Lancashire charity reprimanded over using cash to build mosque

A charity has been given an official warning by regulators over its financial management including diverting cash to help pay for the building of a new £1.3m mosque.

Lancashire Telegraph


Supermarket sacks man for sharing comic sketch mocking religion – NSS extensively quoted

The supermarket chain Asda has sacked a man for sharing a sketch of the comedian Billy Connolly mocking religions including Christianity and Islam on social media.



Father's High Court campaign to allow him to die at home with dignity

An interview with Phil Newby, who has launched an attempt to change the law on assisted dying.

Evening Standard


‘Keeping church and state separate does not stifle religious freedom’

Ryan Jayne says the current US administration pandering to an ultraconservative evangelical political agenda and it should learn from the more secular approach of the Canadian government.



‘The Guardian view on religious liberty: the freedom to be wrong’

This editorial says freedom of speech means nothing if it is not also the freedom to be egregiously wrong.

The Guardian


China denies Muslim separation campaign in Xinjiang

China's ambassador to the UK has denied that Muslim children in western Xinjiang are being systematically separated from their parents.



Latest from the NSS


BBC dilutes protections for religious ideas after NSS lobbying

New BBC guidelines have watered down some protections for religious ideas but still place a premium on depictions of Muhammad.


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