During this crucial time, would you consider making a gift to the Independent Institute as we approach the end of our fiscal year on June 30th? Such an act of generosity will empower us in our mission of protecting liberty and prosperity at a time when many seek to undermine them.
From the start of the COVID-19 crisis, we have questioned unwarranted measures by governments to restrict economic and civil liberties in the name of fighting the virus outbreak, and warned that control measures justified as temporary will prove difficult to roll back even when conditions change.
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The lesson to be learned here—the lesson the Independent Institute faithfully champions—is that government bureaucratic command-and-control strategies are intrinsically problematic.  They are always vulnerable and open to embarrassment, as their justifications are removed by emerging information.  Unfortunately, these embarrassments are seldom anything to laugh at, given the destruction Big Government crisis-managing creates.
One very positive feature of the current crisis, however, is that members of the rising generation are increasingly suspicious when liberty is curtailed—even or especially when that comes with a high-minded justification. 
The Independent Institute is leading the charge to open the eyes of young people to the dangers of Big Government, and inspiring them with solutions rooted instead in self-governance and collaboration within community and the marketplace.  This message is found in our satirical YouTube series, Love Gov, and it is doing extremely well in the midst of this shutdown season.  In just the past few months, Love Gov has received over 8 million additional views by young people—bringing total combined views to over 28.4 million!
As we approach our fiscal-year-end on June 30th, we ask that you consider making a gift.  Your support at this time will keep us strongly shaping our culture towards respect for liberty—which I’m sure you agree is especially important as we head into the election season!
Thank you!

David J. Theroux
Founder, President and CEO
© 2020 Independent Institute
100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428
(510) 632-1366

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