Dear Friend,
It’s impossible to imagine a world without the Post Office. But it really could happen. Postal Service leaders told Congress that unless it receives additional funding, the system will be out of money to operate by September.
Congress can fix this -- if we demand they do. June 23 - tomorrow - is the national Day of Action to Save the Post Office and the Alliance can’t be prouder to participate.
Hundreds of thousands of petitions will be delivered to Capitol Hill. To raise the temperature back home there will be car caravans throughout the country filled with people who are demanding that the Post Office be saved from bankruptcy.
The Post Office is reeling from the coronavirus outbreak, which has slowed business mail to a trickle. Despite this, the Postal Service has continued to deliver for us -- six days a week, to every address in the country. Older Americans in particular rely on the mail to deliver their prescription medicines and for a link to the outside world.
What’s President Trump doing about this? He called the Postal Service “a joke” and he personally demanded that no emergency funding be provided back in March. This isn’t a joke. The Post Office is too important to be a pawn in some bizarre political fight.
The government has approved trillions of coronavirus “relief” for wealthy corporations, and tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. The Postal Service needs help too to weather this crisis.
Richard Fiesta
Executive Director
Alliance for Retired Americans