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by Bob Fitrakis

The London Sunday Times quoted a New York social observer describing Epstein as follows: “He’s Mr. Enigmatic. Nobody knows whether he’s a concert pianist, property developer, a CIA agent, a math teacher or a member of Mossad.” Sturtz referred to Epstein as Wexner’s “boyfriend,” but Epstein was more than that. He was an “international man of mystery” with ties to the CIA, the royal family, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and others. And at the heart of it, he is perhaps our nation’s most well-known pedophile. Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. attorney who went light on Epstein in a 2007 deal, became the Secretary of Labor under Trump. ...Reportedly he told the people vetting him in the Trump administration: “I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.”

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