Hello Supporter,
We face a serious crossroads: Count on an election that Trump doesn't respect?
Or will you join the movement to drive this regime from power?
Watch this video now:

Check out the sights & sounds from Juneteenth weekend:
In the face of Trump’s Threats: Into the Streets! #TrumpPenceOUTNOW!
Refuse Fascism went to the gates of Trump’s fascist rally in Tulsa & on the streets nationwide

> > If you think this regime must go now, then donate to support those organizing to drive them out!
Your donation of any amount will help get tens of thousands of stickers, posters, and flyers into peoples hands! It will help cover the transportation and lodging costs we spent sending organizers to Tulsa, OK where Trump held his fascist rally.
Another generous donor challenged you to match her $1000 donation TODAY.
All donations up $1000 DOUBLED

HOW are we going to organize? Find out:

JOIN: Wednesday June 24 Webinar
The Urgent Need to Drive Trump/Pence Out Now: What We Must Do Together In The Streets!
Spread the word and tune in to this Wednesday’s Webinar, 8:00 pm EDT / 5:00 pm PDT
> > Register now at Zoom (you can also watch on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube).
Reaching millions digitally is the main need our movement has. Webinars, websites and social media ads and access are not free.
ALL funds come from grassroots supporters.
>> Can you chip in $5 or more to be doubled today?
RefuseFascism.org national team 917 407 1286