Tanzania mission near Serengeti

Dear John,

Who do you turn to when things get extremely challenging?

In places like Malawi, Zimbabwe and DRC, everything from natural to human made disasters have left people wondering who and where to turn to when there is literally nothing else left.

The good news is that they do have hope through your care and support, showing the love of Jesus through word and deed in partnership with the church in Africa.

With your financial support underpinned by prayer, thousands more people in Africa will discover that, amidst the hardship, conflict and poverty of life, Jesus offers real hope and real solutions.

The church is their hope, and you can change lives forever by walking the streets and telling the Good News of Jesus in the cities of Africa in many local languages, through African Enterprise!

Please give generously to help build the $72,000 Missions Fund to fuel these upcoming missions and help more Africans come to know Jesus and grow in their local church.

Bless you for your gifts through prayers and donations to build God's kingdom in Africa.

Ben Campbell
AE Chief Executive and Mobilising Officer Australasia

PS: The current Tabora Tanzania mission  is going strong thanks to what God has made possible through your support and the Serengeti image above represents a new day and new life in Christ. For live mission updates visit our website and social media pages. Thank you if your gift has crossed in the mail.

For direct deposit to mission, please use the following details:   BSB: 062217   Account number: 10084527 and advise name and suburb)


May the Lord fill you with his eternal grace, peace and understanding through Jesus Christ. Our grateful thanks and love to you from all the teams in Africa. Thank you.

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