Freedom House invites you to a special virtual workshop
Creative Campaigning in Restrictive Spaces:
A workshop to explore effective advocacy in restrictive environments using Lifeline’s new toolkit
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. EDT
Zoom registration here

We invite you – as grassroots activists from civil society organizations, movements, and networks – to join us for an interactive workshop to explore real-world examples illustrating effective tactics for advocacy in restrictive spaces. The workshop will build upon the new advocacy toolkit recently developed by the Lifeline Fund for Embattled CSOs
to support CSOs operating in the toughest environments. In the era of COVID-19 restrictions, this resource is even more timely, as growing numbers of CSOs find themselves operating in hostile contexts and need to reconsider opportunities to mobilize for change. Interpretation in French and Spanish will be available.
Part I: Presentation of the Toolkit for Advocacy in Restrictive Spaces
Moderator: Masana Ndinga-Kanga, Crisis Response Fund Lead, CIVICUS
Part II: Discussants
CSO Leader from Hong Kong (name withheld for security reasons)
UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Association and Assembly Clement Voule
Part III: Break-Out Discussions - small-group conversations to explore specific tactics in greater depth
Group 1: Identifying Alternative Entry Points
Group 2: Finding Unlikely Allies
Group 3: Countering Stigma and Slander of Civil Society
Please register here by June 29th.
The Lifeline Fund for Embattled CSOs provides emergency financial assistance to civil society organizations (CSOs) under threat or attack, as well as rapid response advocacy and resiliency grants to support CSOs in responding to broader threats against civic space. Founded in 2011, Lifeline is a consortium of 7 international non-governmental organizations supported by 19 governments that aims to push back against civic space threats. The Lifeline consortium is led by Freedom House and consists of Front Line Defenders, CIVICUS, International Center for Not-For-Profit Law (ICNL), People in Need (PIN), FORUM-ASIA, and Swedish International
Liberal Center (SILC). Since its founding, Lifeline has provided grants to 2,222 at-risk civil society organizations (CSOs) in 115 countries.