Border Patrol and the Department of Homeland Security have praised our efforts Greetings! As you know, We Build The Wall is continuing the job that YOU started by contributing to our GoFundMe to crowdfund a wall on the U.S. southern border. We have now built several miles of border wall, and sealed off critical pathways formerly used by vicious drug cartels to smuggle illegal aliens into the United States. Border Patrol and the Department of Homeland Security have praised our efforts to seal the U.S. Southern border on private land, with generous donations from American Patriots like you from all over the country. But we still need your help. We have plans to break ground on several more jobs sites in 2020, and with your continued support, we can achieve our goals. We are also planning to fight back against a Surge of illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America, who we expect to head North towards our border after the Chinese coronavirus lockdowns. As you know, building massive portions of border wall not only stops migrants from crossing AT the border, but it deters them from coming TO the border in the first place. As long as you’ll continue to do your patriotic duty and help us raise the funds, we’ll continue to secure our borders from the dangers lurking to our South. So contribute $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or anything you can afford today, and be a part of this historic project -- completely funded, planned, and built by American Patriots like you -- to protect America’s national sovereignty from outside invaders! Thank you in advance for your generous contributions. Respectfully, Brian Kolfage P.S. Forwarding this email to every American Patriot you know is a great way to help We Build The Wall, too. Ask them to chip into our Stop The Surge campaign today! Red Cloud Data | 7940 Front Beach Rd , Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Unsubscribe
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