Send us your questions on what the Programme means for climate action and we'll try to answer them.

Dear John,

The Stop Climate Chaos coalition read the proposed Programme for Government carefully last week. You can read the analysis of the Coalition's policy experts here.

I'll be hosting a webinar tomorrow evening at 5pm about the climate aspects of the Progamme. Joining me to answer your questions will be:

  • Dr. Ciara Murphy, environmental justice advocate, Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice.
  • Dr. Hannah Daly, lecturer and researcher in energy/economy/environment/engineering (E4) systems in University College Cork.
  • Niamh Garvey, Head of Policy and Advocacy with Trócaire.
  • Dr. Damien O’Tuama, Irish Cycling Advocacy Network.
  • Sadhbh O'Neill, Policy Advisor to the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition.

Keep me a spot at Tuesday's webinar

We're gathering questions in advance. You can send yours in in using this form. We'll do a bit of work to group them together and decide who is best placed to lead off on answering them.

Here's my question(s) on what the Programme for Government means for climate action

The webinar will be recorded so even if you can't make it you can watch back later. And if we can't get through all the questions in the time available we'll use other online channels to answer any big questions we don't get to.

Book a spot now

Ask a question now

Hope you can join us tomorrow at 5pm.


Catherine Devitt
Policy Coordinator
Stop Climate Chaos

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