From Josh Bivens, Economic Policy Institute <[email protected]>
Subject Black, Latinx, and low- and middle-income workers need safety protections and ‘hazard pay’ during the pandemic
Date June 22, 2020 4:53 PM
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We need your VOTE to support EPI's research for progressive economic change.

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EPI’s research is providing policy makers and activists alike with the research needed to address economic and racial disparities in the workplace. This month, you can support EPI by taking just a few seconds to vote. Click here to vote for EPI and support the research behind our movement for progressive economic change. ([link removed])
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Are you comfortable returning to your workplace?

A new EPI-commissioned report ([link removed]) shows that a majority of workers are fearful of coronavirus infections at work, especially Black, Latinx, and low- and middle-income workers who have the least bargaining power. The report highlights how those facing risks are not proportionately receiving extra compensation and that many are being denied unemployment benefits for not being willing to go to jobs they consider unsafe.

As the U.S. Senate considers the next round of COVID-19 response legislation, EPI’s research is critical to policymakers and activists alike as we demand a pandemic response that protects and lifts up all working people—and that includes hazard pay and safety requirements.

EPI’s research is critical to addressing economic and racial disparities in the workplace and providing the policy solutions needed to lift up all working people.

This month, you can support the research behind our movement for progressive economic change with your vote. Click here to vote for EPI today! ([link removed])

The new report, utilizing data from The Washington Post and our allies at the National Employment Law Project (NELP) states: "The majority of workers and roughly 70% of Black and Hispanic workers who are currently working onsite at their workplaces, and not at home, believe they face considerable risks from the coronavirus. These workers are not being provided sufficient protections on the job."

Economic and safety disparities in the workplace will continue until we, together, demand the structural change necessary to protect all working people.

To help power EPI's critical economic research, this month, CREDO Mobile has selected EPI to receive a share of $150,000 in funding. But in order to receive a substantial portion of those funds, we need your vote! So, this month we are not asking for donations. But we do need you to take a moment and vote for EPI today! ([link removed])
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These are challenging times. But, together, we will fight for an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.

Josh Bivens
Director of Research, Economic Policy Institute
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