When you sign a card for a front-line medical worker, a generous donor has pledged to immediately give Operation Smile $1 to help fund our ongoing aid work around the globe, as well as future surgical missions in the countries where we are needed the most.
While we made the very difficult decision to postpone the majority of our surgical missions in the coming months, nurses like Doreenlove Serwah (featured in the image above) are facing COVID-19 on the ground every day.
Before the pandemic, Doreenlove worked with Operation Smile’s medical missions in Ghana as a volunteer clinic coordinator. Now she’s channeling her nursing knowledge toward education — correcting misconceptions, alleviating anxiety, and giving reassurance and general psychosocial council during this crisis.
Please send a note to front-line workers like Doreenlove who are facing the COVID-19 pandemic head-on.
All it takes is a few seconds — just click one of the links in this email, fill out a card, and it will be sent along to a medical worker on the front lines.
We know it will mean so much to the doctor or nurse who hears from you, especially in the midst of the horrific pandemic we’re facing.
And remember -- with every card we collect, a generous donor will give Operation Smile $1 to help support current and future efforts to promote health and restore hope in some of the remotest corners of the world.
Before the end of the month, we have a goal of gathering 12,000 signed cards for frontline healthcare workers! With those 12,000 cards, a generous donor will gift us $12,000 to help fund our vitally important medical work.