The American Mind’s Weekly Digest 
Free Speech and the American Regime
The Editors
Arthur Milikh has published a sobering Heritage Foundation report on the menace of so-called “hate speech” regulation to the American regime.

Kyle Shideler, Scott Yenor, Mark Bauerlein, and Thomas Powers respond.
Undoing the Court’s Supreme Transgression
Josh Hammer
Bostock demands a complete change of course from neutered judicial “conservatism.”
Married to the Mob
Aaron Sibarium
Romanticizing direct democracy leads to pandemic anarchy.
What’s Up With the Supreme Court?
Erick Erickson
'The Roundtable' Episode #22
The Lincoln Project puts out shamelessly deceitful (and laughably uninspired) propaganda insinuating President Trump is a racist. Google tries to demonetize the Federalist. Plus: Black Lives Matter rallies people to raise money for Black lives but instead funnels it to the Democrat Party and other activist groups. Our editors discuss the demonstrations of political power in the streets and the erasure of western history before our very eyes.