Freedom. Hope. Courage. Sacrifice.
Many powerful words come to mind when reflecting on all that the American flag stands for.
At DAV, we channel these great principles in our work each and every day for the men and women who have fought for our country. We work to help veterans find freedom from financial burdens ... hope for a brighter tomorrow ... and the courage to keep going despite the many sacrifices they’ve made.
Every summer, as the Field of Flags at DAV National Headquarters fills with American flags — each one in honor of an American veteran — we are reminded once again of why this work for veterans is so important. Please help us honor our veterans for all they have done for our country.
Fly a flag in our Field of Flags today in honor of an American hero. Your donation will help DAV keep up the fight for our nation’s brave veterans.
With honor,
J. Marc Burgess
DAV National Adjutant/CEO