Wednesday, June 24 | 1:30-2:30 p.m. Central
While peer support has always been an essential aspect of Twelve Step recovery, “peer recovery specialists” have come to play an increasingly important role in the field. Join Roy Kammer, EdD, dean of the Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies, as he discusses the recent, wider use of peer recovery support: what it is, who’s qualified to provide this type of help and how it impacts outcomes. Carla Fremlin, manager of alumni and recovery support, will describe how Hazelden Betty Ford personalizes recovery management services for individual patients through coaching, web-based resources, transitional and ongoing support, and the use of peer recovery specialists.
Define peer recovery support and identify its role in improving outcomes
Discuss the varying qualifications (training, credentials) for a peer recovery specialist
Describe key components of effective recovery management
A certificate of completion will be awarded for attending.