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Khairi Saadallah, a 25-year-old asylum seeker, came to the attention of MI5 in 2019 when they received information from a foreign intelligence service that he was seeking to join an Islamist group in the Middle East.
The arrest of a Libyan asylum seeker in connection with the triple murder in Reading will again cast a spotlight on Britain's complex relationship with Islamist militants.
The Mid Ulster Christian Helpline is run by Freda and William Kerr, and according to BelfastLive, the couple have been distributing leaflets to homes in County Derry which describe "homosexuality and lesbianism" as "detestable unto god".
The risk of dying from Covid-19 is higher among those identifying as Muslims, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh than other religious groups, according to new analysis from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
When Heather Black was in hospital having a stent fitted, shortly after being diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, she turned to her daughter, Sarah, and said: "I wish Harold Shipman worked on this ward."
The appointment of a hardline supporter of the annexation of Palestinian land as the next Israeli ambassador to the UK has dismayed sections of the British Jewish community, with some calling on the UK government to refuse to accept the nomination.
A 1,000-page journal written by Australian Cardinal George Pell during his time behind bars is set to be released by a US-based Catholic publisher that is appealing for donations to help fund the project.
Brian Gordon has been accused of "tone-deaf rhetoric" after he declared that "Religious Lives Matter" in a letter calling on the government to re-open places of worship.
My family has been discriminated against on religious grounds – and our four-year-old hasn't been admitted to any of the schools we chose. Our experience shows why schools should be secular, says Abhi from west London.
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