Taylor Force was an American West Point Graduate who was murdered by Palestinian Terrorists in 2016. Following his murder, with the instrumental help of the ZOA, the American Government passed the Taylor Force Act, which had a goal of eliminating Palestinian Aid, as long as the Palestinian Authority maintains its heinous policy to give lifetime pensions to Arabs who Murder Jews or Americans.
President Trump has appropriately ended all U.S. funding to the the Palestinian Authority. We are concerned that presidential nominee Joe Biden has pledged to reinstate that aid, a portion of which has been used to compensate Palestinian Arab killers of Jews and Americans with lifetime pensions. We urge Mr. Biden to agree to end all aid to the Palestinian Authority until they end this despicable pay to slay program.
Unfortunately, this policy still exists today and Palestinian terrorists are rewarded for their heinous acts. The ZOA remains committed to its goal of ending “Pay To Slay” and to making sure all Americans are aware of this shocking and horrific reward system for terrorists.
Watch the video below to hear an important message from Stuart Force, father of the late Taylor Force, in recognition of Father's Day and what would have been Taylor's birthday.