People constantly ask me, 'Is sharia law taking over America?’ And I reply, 'I don't know, but I'm pretty sure Shakira law is, because ... hips don't lie.'

But seriously folks where did this rumor start that because I’m Muslim, I have an aversion to dogs? The truth is, I love dogs and actually plan to get a unique breed that gets sad when you feed it cantaloupe—known as a melon collie.

Ok, I’m sure by now you’re ready to close out of this email and send it directly to spam but wait, I promise there’s a message coming. The reason I love dad jokes so much is because I love to laugh and believe dad jokes are one important key to building bridges across race, religion, nationality, and political party. I also believe dad humor helps men show compassion, and compassion for parents, partners, and children is particularly important to me.

One of my favorite hadiths is about a man who saw the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him), kissing his grandson Hasan. The man said, “I have ten children and I do not kiss any of them.” The Prophet replied, “Verily, whoever does not show mercy will not receive mercy.”

So on this Father’s Day, I’d like to give a shout out to all the fathers who are helping raise their children with mercy and kindness, who aren’t afraid to show emotion or empathy, and who aren’t afraid to show their vulnerability. That is the future us men need to be intentional about creating for the next generation.

So happy Father’s Day to all the great dads (including my own, who just celebrated his 70th birthday two days ago!) And remember, while it isn’t necessarily inappropriate to make a “Dad Joke” if you’re not a dad—it might be considered faux Pa

First pic I have with my dad ~1983

With peace,



Qasim believes in service, leadership, and compassion. He is an immigrant, a proud American Muslim, and above all a devoted father and husband. He’s running as a Democrat to transform his advocacy into policy for the working families of Virginia’s 1st District.

Qasim aspires for a campaign built on transparency and trust, and is putting in the work to connect with voters districtwide. Together, you and Qasim, can make Virginia an even better place to call home.
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