The sorry state of Germany’s armed forces
By Rajan Menon, Non-Resident Fellow
Foreign Policy, 6/18/20
U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement—and subsequent
confirmation—that he would reduce the 35,000 U.S. troops stationed in Germany by 28 percent provoked a barrage of criticism. And although U.S. politics remain as partisan as ever, the critics included both Democrats and Republicans.
Taiwan funding of think tanks: Omnipresent and rarely disclosed
By Eli Clifton, Director of Democratizing Foreign Policy
Responsible Statecraft & The American Prospect, 6/17/20
The conditions for a Cold War–style entanglement with China were set. COVID-19’s origins in Wuhan, the global economic downturn stemming from the novel coronavirus, and a presidential election in five months created a perfect storm.
Andrew Bacevich on America's ‘war fetish' and the sanitized American identity
President Andrew Bacevich interviewed
WGBH, 6/18/20
In the title of his June piece for The New Republic, Andrew Bacevich poses the question: "Will 2020 Finally Kill America’s War Fetish?” On Thursday, former Army colonel and President of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft joined Boston Public Radio to unpack his views on the nation’s use of violence and military might to solve its litany of issues, both foreign and domestic.
Webinar: The liberal order: Before Trump, and after
With Patrick Porter, Emma Ashford, & Michael Lind. Moderated by Stephen Wertheim
Quincy Institute, 6/17/20
- Abolish and replace: Ending the militarization of policing in America by Non-Resident Fellow Gordon Adams, Responsible Statecraft, 6/18/20
- U.S. imposes sweeping sanctions on Assad, Syrian government, and its backers, Interviewed: Non-Resident Fellow Josh Landis, Radio Free Europe, 6/17/20
- North Korea digs in for return to hostilities with South Korea and U.S. by Jamie McIntyre/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow for East Asia Jessica Lee, Washington Examiner, 6/17/20
- North Korean military threats target South but also send a message to Trump by Kim Gamel and Yoo Kyong Chang/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow for East Asia Jessica Lee, Stars and Stripes, 6/16/20
- Retired Colonel Andrew Bacevich has never seen military leaders criticize a president like some are now by Jason Turesky/ Interviewed: President Andrew Bacevich, WGBH, 6/16/20
- U.S. engagement in Africa should be led by civilians, not the military by Non-Resident Fellow Elizabeth Shackelford, Responsible Statecraft, 6/16/20
- Trump’s vacuous West Point address and the revolt against it by Robin Wright/ Quoted: President Andrew Bacevich, The New Yorker, 6/15/20