Dear John,

First of all, Meg and Marek and Rosa and I want to wish you a happy and healthy Father’s Day! 

My kids (who I’ve had the great good-fortune to march with in recent days), and especially my dad (together with my mom, he’s found some safe ways to join #BlackLivesMatter marches in St. Louis, too) are grounding anchors of my life. 

I feel especially grateful for them in these tumultuous times, and mindful of our extraordinary blessings. In so many ways, our longing to give our kids the ability to thrive connects us across so many divides -- and can help us imagine a different world, where that really could be true for all parents.

Second of all, we wanted to remind you that Tuesday, June 23 is primary election day in New York City. You can still vote absentee (by mail), early (i.e. today), or in-person on Tuesday.  

Absentee: We recommend you fill out your ballot and get it in the mail no later than tomorrow (Monday) to ensure it will be postmarked by Tuesday. No stamp needed -- the postage is prepaid.

REMEMBER: You must use the return envelope provided with the ballot and SIGN the back of the envelope before you mail it, or your vote may not count!

Early Voting Today: The last day of early voting is today. The early voting poll-sites are open from 10 AM to 4 PM. I voted in-person at my early voting site at the Park Slope Armory last weekend, and the process was safe and quick and easy.

Voting In-Person Tuesday: Polls will be open on Tuesday, Election Day, as usual, from 6 AM to 9 PM. Everyone will be required to wear a mask, and social distancing will be observed.

Your polling location may not be the same as it usually is, and your Early Voting poll-site may not be the same as your Election Day poll-site, so please check your poll site location here:

Got more questions? Visit the NYC Campaign Finance Board’s FAQ page, or call the NYC Board of Elections at 1-866-VOTE-NYC (1-866-868-3692).

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Please continue to stay safe and support each other. And appreciate your dads, if you can, too.

-- Brad

Lander for NYC
456 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
[email protected]


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