Defenders of Wildlife Monthly eNews!
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Bald eagle (c) Stephen Oachs

Don't let corporations get away with killing millions of birds!

Our country’s migratory birds, including hawks, eagles, songbirds and more, are being abandoned by the Trump administration – and millions have already died. Now, with the nation focused on dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, the administration is rushing to finalize new rules that roll back critical bird protections to benefit industry giants like Big Oil. Tell your Representative to support H.R. 5552, the Migratory Bird Protection Act, to restore urgently needed protections for migratory birds! Take Action →


"When you look at the conditions that led to the spread of COVID-19, and the strong link to wildlife species that are highly sought-after in open markets, it's a clear sign we need to take a hard look at our global wildlife trade, especially the illegal trade."

Alejandra Goyenechea, Senior International Counsel, on the connections between habitat destruction, wildlife and the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More →

Fall Scene (c) Dean Tyler

Father-Daughter Time Leads to Shared Love of Wildlife and the Outdoors

This Father’s Day, one of our members reflects on the time he got to spend connecting with his daughter and the nature around their home during their months spent quarantined together.

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Southern Resident Orca (c) Katie Jones

Ten Ways to Show Orcas Some Love

June is Orca Month, and we’re taking the opportunity to highlight a population in the Pacific Northwest that badly needs our help. Here’s how you can help support these critically endangered orcas while there’s still time.

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Sea Turtles (c) Kathryn Brooks

You Can Help Sea Turtles Survive

If you live in the coastal Southeast or plan to visit, you need to read these tips on how you can protect endangered sea turtles! These simple actions will help keep these turtles on the path to recovery.

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Jaguar (c) Jeffrey Armstrong

Moving Toward a Future for the Jaguar in the U.S.

Meet the American jaguar, the largest cat in the Western hemisphere. Once nearly exterminated across their range in the Southwestern U.S., these cats need our help to defend their recovery from new deadly threats.

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(c) Kylie Paul/DOW
Natures Path
Honey Bee (c) AnnekeDeBlok-istock

Monthly Gift Giving

Becoming a monthly donor places you among our most committed and valued supporters. Your gift will help us fight around the clock to counter the growing threats to wildlife.

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Shop to Help Wildlife

Support Defenders of Wildlife in our mission to save endangered and imperiled species and the habitats they need to survive. Bring home something wild – for yourself, or as a gift! 

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Defenders of Wildlife 1130 17th Street NW • Washington, DC 20036

Photo credit: Bald eagle (c) Stephen Oachs | Fall Scene (c) Dean Tyler | Black footed ferret (c) Kylie Paul/DOW | Southern Resident Orca (c) Katie Jones | Sea Turtles (c) Kathryn Brooks| Jaguar (c) Jeffrey Armstrong | Honey Bee (c) Anneke DeBlock/iStock

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