Children are already dying in Trump’s concentration camps, we need to Close The Camps NOW!


Today, Trump and his administration announced that they will soon order ICE and CBP to detain children in cages —indefinitely. That means they will keep children in cages for an unlimited amount of time!! This horrible change would scrap the Flores Settlement Agreement, which currently protects kids by saying they can only be held in detention for 20 days.

Felipe, Jakelin, and countless others that we may not know of yet have already died at the hands of ICE and CBP. And now they want to get their hands on even more kids - with no limits!

There are hundreds of these concentration camps in our own backyards, Friend. You would be SHOCKED to learn how many places they are holding immigrants.

It is time for LOCAL action - are you ready? It’s time to get creative and take the lead.

And if enough of us take action, expose the abuse and gather in action at these camps we will shut them down and Close The Camps.

We made it simple for you to take action, here is what you need to do:

  1. Go to this map to see if there is a camp near you

  2. Get together with a couple of your friends and think of what you can do. (Our website has lots of ideas!)

  3. You create an event on the site

  4. And then you invite others in your community and take action to shut it down

Trump’s white supremacy agenda knows no bounds, he has, and will continue to abuse our community by ignoring, erasing, and replacing any regulation that even remotely tries to protect immigrant children and families.

Friend, we can’t allow this:

In memory and resilience of those lost their lives we ask you to join us, take action, Close The Camps and stop the deaths.

Are you ready?!

Juanita from UWD Action

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