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Confederate statues are symbols of white supremacist violence and hate.

These monuments glorify traitors who took up arms against the American people to uphold the vile institution of slavery and do not deserve to remain in places of honor across our country like town squares, public buildings, and especially the United States Capitol.

Many of these monuments were installed in the wake of Reconstruction, and during the Jim Crow era, a period defined by systematic oppression, disenfranchisement, and racially-motivated violence toward Black Americans.

Between 1901 and 1931, twelve confederate statues were installed in the U.S. Capitol as part of the National Statuary Hall Collection, a collection that honors just 100 Americans, two from each state.

These statues cannot be separated from their intended purpose: as tools to advance white supremacy. It's long past time for them to go.

That's why I've joined my colleague in the House, Representative Barbara Lee, in reintroducing our legislation to remove Confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol.

If you agree that it's time to remove these symbols of hate from the halls of Congress, add your name to support our bill now.


By passing the Confederate Monument Removal Act, we would remove all statues of people who voluntarily served the Confederate States of America from the National Statuary Hall Collection.

On Thursday, I tried to get this bill quickly passed on the Senate floor, but one of my Republican colleagues objected and blocked it from moving forward.

Become a citizen co-sponsor of the Confederate Monument Removal Act today to show that we have the public support to remove these statues from the Capitol as soon as possible.

We have a long way to go in this country to confront and address deeply rooted, systemic racism. Removing these statues from the Capitol is an important step toward recognizing the truth of our past and committing to building a future where we truly are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Thank you,
